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Wireless Remote Metering
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Take the Hassle out of Meter Reading on Remote Sites. The OAT Wireless Meter Reading System Allows Simple Single Point Access Via the Internet to All of Your Meters.

·       No More Manual Meter Reading.

·       Instant Access to Metered Data.

·       Highly Secure VPN Client Networking.

·       Server Initiated Sessions.

·       Fixed IP Addressing for all remote sites.

·       Uses 154 Mobile Networks Worldwide for Maximum Coverage.

·       Saves Costs.

·       Seamless Connection to M&T Software, see exactly where your Energy Goes.

·       Utilise Your Existing Meters for Ease of Installation.

·       Ratification of Energy Bills

O.A.T. Can now provide the latest in GPRS Technology specifically developed for remotely reading Utility Meters.



The OAT WMT11 is a fully configurable GPRS network modem with a fixed IP address. This unit has been developed to provide remote Machine to Machine networking via a secure VPN pipe. The unit is connected to a utility meter by means of a small data acquisition unit that counts the meter pulses and feeds this information to the WMT11. The pulse count data is stored until the Client Server initiates a session, at which point the data is exchanged. Access to the Client Server can be either on the customers own network, or held on a secure remote server, in either case, dynamic data can be viewed by the customer at any time.


All data from the meters can be interfaced with a number of proprietary Monitoring and Targeting software packages, tailoring the metering system to the needs of the Client.



O.A.T Ltd * Unit 3 * 10 Great Central Way * Woodford Halse * Daventry * Northants * Tel: 01327 263707 * Fax: 01327 263718
